Live Dairy Auctions

Lot 13. 3 Female Embryos

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This is a traditional English auction.
Total units
3 embryos.
All bid amounts are per embryo.
Lot description

FEMALE Cheers embryos of Aaltje 149
• FEMALE embryos from Cheerio EX-96 her Saturn son CHEERS, out of the Res. 2-Yr Old Champion National NRM-Show 2019: Bons-Holsteins Aaltje 149 VG-89-NL VG-89-MS 3yr. (MAX)
• Aaltje 149 was Grand Champion Jongveedag Streefkerk 2019
• 4th dam is the 4x National Champion: Bons-Holsteins Aaltje 49 EX-91-NL

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Sire: FEMALE Milksource CHEERS
Dam: Bons-Holsteins Aaltje 149 VG-89-NL

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